1. Lahaina Arts Guild Sheraton Black Rock Keiki Student Art Show was a community success in December through January 2025. Over 100 keiki artwork entrants. The Show showcased artwork by students from Sacred Hearts School and King Kamehameha Ill Elementary, two schools tragically lost in the 2023 Lahaina fire.
2. Keiki art instruction at King Kamehameha III Elementary at the new campus, 2 days per week with 4 classes each day.
3. We will continue to teach art/science classes at Sacred Heart School in coordination with the school’s art department, 2 days per week.
4. Music - In our music program at Princess Nahi'ena'ena Elementary School, the first in the school's history, we are currently teaching music to the entire student body in multiple classes every two weeks, preschool through 5th grade two days a week. The classes are an opportunity for children to learn to read, compose and perform music, which enhances performance in many other school disciplines. The children are wildly enthusiastic about these classes as they are able to participate in floor mat note exercises as they learn to play and write music. The music program is 8 classes per day, two days a week meaning 1,920 music instructions per month. The classes, including the Hawaiian language immersion class, are so popular the teachers often double up their students (one or two classes will be added to another for a music class with 53 children).
5. Photography - To the delight of the students, award winning photographer, Marty Wolff, is teaching his Photo Workshop Club each week at Sacred Hearts School.
Also scheduled for this year are our Summer Camps, and we hope to once again partner with HuliHia, the Boys & Girls Clubs of Maui, the University of Hawaii and the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration. We will also be continuing with our popular PaintOuts, which are frequently held in conjunction with the art/science classes at Sacred Heart School. The area surrounding the new Sacred Hearts campus in Kaanapali has many dramatic locations for plein air painting. All post-fire classes are currently being held in our westside schools.
We plan to re-open sign-up classes to the general public as soon as we begin teaching at the new West Maui YMCA Community Resource Center .
Music Room Video Tour:
Creative Arts Summer Camp Program
Fun, Learning, Healing & Connecting
For this year’s 2024 Lahaina Arts Guild Summer Camp beginning in June we are excited to coordinate with the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration, the Boys & Girls Club Maui and the Hulihia Center for Sustainable Systems at the University of Hawaii Maui College. With our support, Hulihia will be presenting "Learning, Healing, & Connecting through Creative Arts," a youth art therapy program for fire-impacted youth on Maui. The program will be hosted at Lahaina Intermediate School by the Boys & Girls Club. The children will be led by a certified art therapist in processing the impact of recent fires on their community and channeling their emotions and creativity into rebuilding Lahaina.
Sustainability principles and Native Hawaiian traditional practices will be interwoven throughout group sessions as we explore the values of the ahupuaʻa system and how they can be applied to support community resilience.

April 26 - May 9, 2024
Lahaina Student Art Show

The Lahaina Cannery Mall
10am - 6pm

“Through the arts we can express our humanity, strengthen our economy and social fabric, and help to improve the health and well-being of individuals and communities."
Chair Maria Rosario Jackson, PhD.
National Endowment for the Arts
We have taught over 5,000 Art Instructions, and 4,200
Music Lessons per School Year
"If I create from the heart, nearly everything works;
if from the head, almost nothing."
Marc Chagall
Join Us
Make Art Happen

Lahaina Arts Guild
Email Arts Education Director
Kirk Boes, kirkboes@gmail.com
Phone: 808-298-8787
Email Director
Bill Smith, wfs3@me.com
Registered Charity: EIN 83-2514478